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News About LUV1

July 25, 2013 The New Paper

Elderly residents get help in monitoring system

Singapore - 75 years old Madam Ong Hum Ho - senior citizen who lives in a one-room rental flat in Casa Clementi was afraid no one would know if something happened to her while she was at home. Project Helping Hands moved into production mode with signing of a contract with Nextan to provide an elderly monitoring system.

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In Asia One Newspaper on July 27, 2013 Read..

June 07, 2014 Channel NewsAsia

Devices, mobile apps help keep elderly safe

As Singapore's silver generation grows in number, so do the challenges in keeping them safe. Local technology developers are starting to cater to this market, through the use of both mobile applications and non-intrusive devices.

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Strengthen a weak shoulder

Stroke patients and those who have had surgery usually require rehabilitation to regain their strength and mobility. Nextan's shoulder rehabilitation device allows such patients to perform shoulder exercises in multiple angles and directions, with adjustable levels of resistance.

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VIP Minister of Health Mr. Gan Kim Yong taking a “test drive” on our SRD/shoulder rehab device at the Inaugural National Seminar on Productivity in Healthcare at Singapore Expo Atria, October 9-2014.

Smart CCD System developed by Nextan

Nextan has helped SMRT to enhance its preventive maintenance measures through it's innovative technologies. This include the Automated Current Collector Devices Detection System, which detects flaws or missing current collector shoes and alerts SMRT engineers so repairs can be made quickly.

LTA-Traffic Enforcement Automation

Nextan technology has helped Land and Transport Authority (LTA) to curb illegal parking. Currently, the LTA deploys outsourced traffic wardens and its enforcement officers to carry out regular patrols to look out for the drivers who park illegally and obstruct traffic flow. Nextan technological solution enhance the effectiveness of curbing illegal parking.

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